Monday, May 02, 2005


After one full day of trying to figure out this confusion they call blog, i have (i think) updated my settings so losers like Jennifer Brown (whose blog is private) can make posts. Only kidding, J. Brown.
It is the last day of classes (which had little effect on me), and it is also Emily Nally's birthday, so we're going to celebrate her day of birth with burgers and beer. I am sure i will come back and write a drunk posting on here, so stay tuned.
As school is winding down and everyone is preparing to leave, TC is a little chaotic. This is the situation: My apartment included me, emily, al, and the late jessica fuller. Elinors apartment next door includes her, jean, suz, and jenna. Kelly, Kelly, Mot and Whitney occupy the apartment across the parking lot. Come August the apartments will go as follows: Emily and I will be moving across the lot into Mot and Whitney's apartment. Kelly Sinquefield is moving into my apartment with Mae, Melanie and Suzanne. Al is moving next door and taking Suzanne's spot. You can imagine how stressful the situation is. We're talking subleases, people who wont be back until september from New York, people who are having to move their furniture into one apartment, then back into another....It is complete chaos.
I will be babysitting all summer, taking a first session child and family development class, and enjoying my life. I'm sad that al, suz, elinor, jenna, and katie ramsey are all going to be in new york. but ashlee and i have already started planning our trip to visit them in july (we have to wait until the tot turns 21). Next thursday about 6 or 7 of us are going to stay in my aunts house on St. Simons before Maymester, then Bizzy and I are also going to visit jennifer brown in D.C. ( My favorite quote from today is, " Well, i mean we can just drive, i think it takes like 5 hours"-Bizzy "Umm...not hardly, girl"-me "Oh, really? Is it more like 3 hours"-Bizzy)


Blogger charlsiekate said...

Gosh, I love Bizzy. I'm glad to know that you will be holding down the fort at townclub this summer - maybe I will see y'all in new york, because I plan to be there for a good bit of July visiting Libby and Maggie.

I'm so excited about the blog!

5:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You notice how Charlsie talks about going to New York and not DC? She hates me. I mean, it's not where you are, it's who you're with, right???
yay! Losers like me can post now. I know, my blog is private. Charlsie hates that. It's because I feel like someone should have to PAY me for quality writing, and I also like to write dirty secrets and bitch about people...can't have that available for the common man. But I'm enjoying yours, darling. keep it up!

11:44 AM  
Blogger charlsiekate said...

Hey - Hater - yeah, I mean you jennifer brown - keep in mind that your blog is paid for by none other than ME. I am paying you, and I'm not getting anything in return.

Don't act like I'm never going to come to DC. I am. I used to visit libby in DC all the time. (Hah, just kidding). I just really love new york. And I tried to talk you into moving there to no avail. Don't complain, I know you will be on the first bus or train to manhattan.

I love DC, and I am going to visit, I promise. I just need to study for exams right now. I'm coming to augusta this weekend just to see you. My family isn't even going to be there.

Megan - sorry we are fighting on your blog.

1:27 PM  

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