just a little shout out for Rosie Thomas
Not that she really needs me to talk her up since one of her songs was on Grey's Anatomy (although i don' t really recommend this song-I let Myself Fall-it's not one of her best). Anyway, last year when I went to visit E, she made me a 'cheer up' C.D. My favorite song, by far, was Wedding Day by Rosie Thomas. It's a great song for any girl, espeically a newly single girl, to hear. My favorite lines:
So much for love, I guess I've been wronged but it's alright cause I'm moving on...
I'm gonna drive thru the hills, put my hand out the window and sing till i run out of words
I'm gonna stop at every truck stop, make small talk with waiters and truck-driving men
I'm gonna fall asleep in the backseat with noone around but me and my friends
It's gonna be so great
It's gonna be just like my wedding day
E's roommate Sarah (who is now engaged) told me "yeah, at least once a month you can hear this song blaring from one the four rooms in this house" It's kind of funny because once Emily and Parker broke up, i passed the song on to her and so last year, at least once a month, you could hear this song coming from either my room or hers.
Over Thanksgiving we had a fun game night at Charlsie's. It was 3:30 before me, Emily or Bizzy left. And we stopped playing games at probably 1. For the last couple of hours (aside from eating) we sat around and talked about our lives. Well, Emily , Charlsie and I did...Bizzy mainly bit her nails. Anyway, it's clear that sometimes being single can really frustrate a girl. I know there are times when I wish I had a boyfriend. Last year I didn't really want a boyfriend. I had a lot of fun and I wasn't completely over my last one, so I was fine being single. This year, i'm still having a blast, but I can't honestly say I dont want a boyfriend. I know I'm not alone after talking to a lot of people. So, if anyone else is feeling more single than usual, downlaod some Rosie Thomas. She'll make it better.
Wedding Day (the best!), Have you seen my love, October, and One more day are all great songs to download.
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