Monday, October 24, 2005

Something as simple as ....

Telling the class my name and where I'm from can turn my face red.

I can count on losing a full nights sleep the night before any oral presentation. I will always choose the last day to present, when the option is given. If it's my day to go, you can bet I will be the last person to volunteer. Actually, I wont ever volunteer, I have to be called on and if the teacher forgets then I breathe a sigh of relief. There have been many occasions where I have sat up and calculated what my final grade in a class would be if I were to skip a presentation and lose the points. In some cases, it might bump me down a letter grade and I still consider forfeiting the project.

It was funny, last year was the first year I really had a class with a best friend who knew me really well. Whitney and I had research together and it was all fun and games until one day I got the nerve to speak up in class. Whitney, being a bad student, was hard at work on her Red and Black crossword and paying no attention to the class. I started to respond to a question the teacher asked and in typical Megan fashion (I love this phrase b.t.w) my voice started cracking, my body got hot, blood rushed to my face and I was seriously regretting making such a courageous move. Whitney looks up from her crossword, and while I'm in the middle of hosting a battle between the me who is asking myself why the hell I decided to speak up and the me who is saying I did the right thing, whitney decides to say " what are you talking about?" Of course this added to the embarrassment and I just decided to put my head down on my desk. No graceful exits for me. I always exit the situation as dramatically as I came. Everytime I make an ass of myself in class I make it worse by doing something outrageous like announcing to the class "oh my gosh, i'm so embarrassed...NEVERMIND" or doing something like laying my head down.

It took whitney about 5 minutes to regain her composure. For the first minute she was confused with what just happened. After I explained that I get really embarrassed talking in class and she just made it worse, she spent the last four minutes laughing. We talked after class and she told me I was the last person she expected to be so shy. I have always been shy in class, so it was nothing new to me. But, I got to thinking about it and I guess it is kind of shocking given the other aspects of my personality: assertive, talkative, and usually confident. However, when it comes to public speaking I display none of the aforementioned qualities. The worst part about the day in research is that I had the right answer. I looked it up in my notes as soon as I left class. I was right, a longitudinal study is one that is done over the passage of time...usually at least 5 years.

Whitney and I still spend all day Monday, Wednesday and Friday together in class. I guess since I have always preferred to be friends with people who I can laugh with, I can't get upset when everytime I'm called on, she starts to laugh before I can even begin to answer. This is going to be a problem being a week from tomorrow. I have the first of 7 different presentations due. Whitney will be present for 3 of them. I'm scared and I need serious advice.

p.s. the audience in their underwear doesn't do anything for me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi ya, i found your blog by accident the other day just by clicking that next blog button. Anyway i hope its not freaky but i enjoy reading your blog.

In regards to your class speech problems i actually have the exact same problem you do when it comes to speaking up in class and i just finished a course that required me to do some presentations to the class.

a few things points for you that can hopefully help you at least a little.

* You most certianly are not alone at being scared of talking in front of everyone, i would guess there are alot of people like that in your class. When other people in your class get up and say speechs or speak up in class what happens? does the room erupt with laughter? does everyone snigger behind their back? hopefully the answer is no and the exact same things will hopefully happen when you make your speech.

* Make sure you know your material. It really is alot easier to talk about things you know rather then things you dont know. Example how much easier is it to talk to your friends about Kelly Clarkson songs rather then the astro physics of Space Ships. Its much easier to talk about things you know and understand.

* Judging from your blog you are well written and entertaining. If you make your presentations like you made this blog you will have no problems keeping people interests with the subject matter.

* Make sure you take deep breaths before you start and breath during the presentation.

* The day after your presentation nobody will probably remember it anyways.

Hope i helped a little or at least gave you something to think about. Good luck with your presentations!

10:19 PM  
Blogger charlsiekate said...

You don't have a problem speaking in front of chapter at Theta, do you? Pretend your class is a bunch of pledges who are scared of you.

6:08 AM  

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