not a girl, not yet a woman...
Or should I say not a 3rd year, not yet a senior. I've hit a quarter-life crisis. I dont know what i want to do with my life, and I am starting to realize i have a lot of growing up to do. For one, i slacked off all year long. I'm embarrassed to say how many hours i finished with, and even more embarrassed, or disappointed rather, that I finished the year with no A's to my name. Last year i only made one B. It's also sad that today i did the most ougoing thing i've done in my entire college career: meet a guy downtown for lunch. With the exception of making some friends extremely proud, there is nothing good about that being my most outgoing experience to date (it was fun though!).
I blame this sudden realization on a recent purchase I made. Being a fan of Felicity, it was only fitting that I buy the new senior year season on DVD. Yeah, the 50 dollars it cost sucked, but what sucks even more is how much the show reminds me of where i should be and more importanly where I'm not. Don't get me wrong, i know it's fiction. Still though, I should have some direction like my girl Felicity (having Ben Covington wouldn't be so bad either). I'm glad that I am starting to get my act together though, because the upcoming academic year can bear no resemblance to last year...whatsoever.
I'm also going to try to be more outgoing. I made this promise to myself about 5 years ago, and before I knew it i was so outgoing I was surprising friends and close relatives by doing things like making my own hair appointments, going to the dentist by myself, and even driving alone to baseball games...sometimes. I guess now it's time to shock 'em with being able to spend the night alone in my apartment (let me clarify: I mean without a roommate), making my own advising appointments, and if they're really lucky, I may even try to eat alone instead of starving until a friend can eat with me.
I guess if everything fails, I still have Paul Welch to tell waiters how I want my tuna prepared, Whitney to make my advising appointments, and a lot of friends with big beds.
When I lived in the house, I lived in the Ivy room with Alisa and Kerry. Well, Kerry got mono and went home around February of that year. So I stole Kerry's bed (alisa didn't care) and made myself a big king size bed so people would come hang out with me. When I lived in the Grub room spring of junior year and fall of my senior year, Catherine Anne wasn't around much so I again made a big bed. It was awesome, I had people spend the night all the time. No wonder I loved living in the house.
Oh, and don't worry, I didn't know what I wanted to do either, and neither did any of my friends. Have fun your senior year, because regardless of what you do, the year after you graduate is hard and senior year can be awesome. But don't worry, once you settle into something, whatever it is, things get much better.
I'll introduce you to my law school friends if you really want to be outgoing.
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