Saturday, September 17, 2005

My parents came in town last night for parent's weekend. It felt so weird getting my apartment ready for guests. Especially since the "guests" were my parents. We waited until the last minute to find a hotel room, so we were SOL. The plan was for them to sleep in my bed and for me to sleep on the couch. I went to get new sheets, I did laundry, even bought my mom's favorite cookies and my dad's favorite beer. It was so strange, me taking care of them and preparing for their visit. I felt like the parent, or at least I did until I had to use their plastic to pay for it all.

Anyway, they arrived fashionably late. They were supposed to get here at 7:30, so when my phone rang at about 7:15 i figured they were in town and lost, but no...they were still 45 minutes away. so i figured the reason for the call must be that they wanted to apologize and make sure I knew they were running late, but no...My dad was calling to tell me to get on the internet and find out why Kenny Chesney and Renee Zellweger were divorcing. I could have told him without looking: they dated for only 8 weeks before getting married. Hello.


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