Monday, August 15, 2005

I love son's because....

1. You have to pay with a dollar bill to play PhotoHunt which means everyone is forced to stick around for at least 4 consecutive games.

2. John Jack is always there.

3. Pitchers are 5.50.

4. You can run into people dressed up in Dukes of Hazard wear and it seems completely normal (Charlsie Paine).

5. They're always playing Bob Marley on the Juke Box.

6. It's bumping on Sundays.

7. It has all the appeal of socializing downtown with the added bonus of dressing comfortably.

8. Eye candy for everyone.

9. There is a list of useless facts posted on the back of the girls bathroom door. (collecting of coasters is called pestemology).

10. Once you get good and buzzed you can order a nice piece of greasy pizza.


Blogger Ian said...

The problem with Sons is that it's the only place in Georgia where one can drink for a decently cheap price. What the heck is wrong with y'all's take on Sunday boozing?

4:47 PM  

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