dreams that make me go hhmmm....
It's offical, i have the strangest dreams of anyone I know. I always wake up and think what on earth happened to me to make me dream that. They're so weird that even years later I can still vividly recall hundreds of them. I dont get into all that interpreting your dreams jazz, but I do think that my subconscious is hard at work at night. Like the time I contemplated looking at an old copy of a chemistry test in 11th grade. I always studied, never cheated, and usually did pretty well. But it started driving me crazy when people who never tried would get a grade as good as mine or better because they had old tests. So, before one of the last tests I was invited to come to the "study group." The night before the study group I dreamed that I killed my chemistry teacher and I felt so guilty that I wanted to kill myself. Dramatic, I know. But, needless to say i didn't look at any copy of any test. I also have an intense fear of snakes that I didn't discover until a few years ago. If i saw a snake on t.v. for even a split second, I would have a nightmare about snakes. I was either covered in them, trapped in a room with them, or worse this one time i was in the middle of a clear lake and I could see the snakes swimming toward me from the bottom of the lake. I now refuse to get in the lake unless i'm on a float...even then though I'm unbelievably uncomfortable. Anyway, last night, I had the saddest dream ever. Since this is a public blog, I can't give a lot of details, but what I will say is that something I have hoped would happen for a while now happened in my dream and then halfway through my dream I realized I was dreaming and was so scared to wake up. I kept asking the people around me if they thought this was a dream and that tomorrow I'll realize it never happened, and none of them had the answer, all they could do was sit around with me and be sad and pray that everyone would remember what happened. Of course, it was a dream and when I woke up I discovered that not only are dreams a bitch, but i had a newfound envy of those fortunate souls out there who say" i dont think i dream...i never remember them if i do." But, i think i was supposed to learn something from my dream last night. I dont know what it is, but I'm leaning toward learning to accept that some things are just dreams that you eventually have to one day wake up from.
We should seriously sit down and discuss this some time. I always have really vivid, very strange dreams, and I always remember them. Sometimes it can be really awful, but sometimes I love it. I used to have this dream about getting back together with this guy who broke my heart....so depressing.
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