Friday, December 16, 2005


So, I was riding around town and noticed I was going 65 in a 45. Better slow down I thought, dont want to get pulled over. Not because getting a ticket would suck, but because then I couldn't brag to everyone about how i've never been pulled over for speeding. Anyway, then I started thinking about what it would be like to hear sirens and then go on some wild car chase. Cue memories of old COPS episodes and fast and the furious movies, and you get it...Well, I started thinking and I got this genius idea. If I were to ever find myself in a situation where I needed to outrun the cops this is what I would do (and what I recommend everyone do): 1. let him pull me over. 2. let him begin to walk to my car. 3. DRIVE OFF WHEN HE GETS THERE. Why does noone ever do that? And I dont wanna hear about how he's gonna pull a gun on you. Please. I mean he parks his car and gets out and you're allowed, nay, supposed to, stay seated in the driver's seat of your car. C'mon, it's so easy. Now, I realize the people who are outrunning cops are probably not among the nation's brightest, but still, you'd think someone could think of this. And, maybe some of you have seen this happen before, but I never have. I've never heard anyone talk about it either. So, it will forever be the genius idea I came up with when driving around Evans day dreaming about how cool it would be to get chased by a cop.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

They do that in COPS all the time. The cop just runs back to his car and calls 5 of his closest buddies. It never works but good idea.

8:25 AM  

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