Friday, February 03, 2006

My random thought #1

I was just reading one of my favorite blogs,The Barely Legal Blog, and after reading one of their postings entitled "random thought" I decided I'm going to start copying them. They wrote about how great it is to watch an episode of Unsolved Mysteries and then find at the end of the episode that there is an update. I was thinking about how I always have these random thoughts and I always want to write about them, but more often than not I don't feel like I can make an entire blog out of it. Well, I'm just going to start randomly inserting some thoughts I have, when I have them instead of just waiting until I have something I can elaborate on. I'll start by this random thought I had the other day:

I hate opening gifts in front of people. It doesn't matter how much I love the gift I got, I can't seem to convey the appropriate excitedness through my facial expressions. My looks fall short, my words seem shallow and I generally look like I dislike every gift that comes my way. Or at least that is my fear. This is why I hate opening gifts in front of people. Well, you may not have a mutual dislike of gift-opening like me, but I can almost guarantee that, when opening gifts, this move always invokes embarrassment: Opening a gift that has been bagged (while your gift-giver is watching) and, after pulling out the gift and deciding there is surely more in the bag, you go for the double-reach, only to hear your gift-giver respond with a, ' that's all that's in there.'


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