Sunday, September 11, 2005

i'm back...

This is for Charlsie, Emily, Jennifer and Kate: the only people who care if i update my blog or not. In my defense, the reason for my incompetence is because I just now hooked up my computer in our new apartment. My sincerest apologies for being so virtually neglectful.

A warning though: this blog is not going to be an uplifting one. It's sunday, afterall. Why are sundays so depressing? I thought maybe it was just me who sat around all day on sundays feeling sorry for myself and watching hours upon hours of t.v. But when I found myself in the company of two extra people today, I realized it isn't just me who loathes sundays. Emily, Charlsie and I sat around and talked about why this is (during breaks between eating Gumby's pizza and watching House episodes on DVD, of course). This is what I chalk my sunday depression up to:

1. We all agree that it has a lot to do with drinking the night before. I generally dislike waking up after a night of drinking and feeling emotionally and physically distressed. However, I rarely find myself so down on Fridays, Saturdays and the occasional Tuesday (I had to include at least one alcoholic comment for Jennifer's amusement).

2. Charlsie made the comment that she went to church which helped some. I realized that is always a big issue with my "sunday depression." Not only am I hungover like a normal next day, but i'm adding spritually distressed to the list as well.

3. Then there's the fact that there is nothing to do on sundays. It's not unusual for me to not even leave the apartment on Sundays. Since lunch, we didn't leave the apartment until it was time for me to take Emily to make her 10:30 flight. As soon as we got in the car, both of our moods were literally instantly uplifted. I guess sometimes you just need some air.

4. Also, I've never agreed that Sunday is the first day of the week. Whatever, everyone knows that Monday is the first day of the week. I've had serious issues with this since i was 5.If it was the first day of the week i think i would find myself looking forward to my upcoming week instead of looking back upon my week that was. Because, that's what you do on Sundays. Or at least that's what I do. I think about everything...everything I did that week, everything I wish I hadn't done, everything I should have done. It is possible, you can think too much and Sundays are the perfect days to make this mistake.

5. Sundays are depressing because it's 5 more days until the weekend again. All the fun is over. I know tomorrow I won't be tailgating...jumping from tailgate to tailgate, hanging out with friends, and loving the fact that although my black dress doesn't fit as well as it fit last year, i'm still getting compliments on it. I know tomorrow, my biggest concern wont be whether or not I want bbq or lemon peppered chicken for lunch. No...tomorrow is the start of a whole new work week, which means the start of a long countdown until next weekend.


Blogger kbd said...

the spamming has GOT to stop.... women's outerwear?! Anyway, so glad to have you back. I knew I'd have something good to read when I got to work this morning!
And I think your dress fit great ;)

7:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you even look at these comments still I want to tell you I really enjoyed your sunday spiel. I also find sundays very depressing. Theres just something about them in which I hate. If you ever figure out a way to make them more bearable please let me know. Thanks and once again good review.

9:27 AM  

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