Monday, October 31, 2005

fun times...

I had a fabulous time in st. simons. I sat here and started to make a list of my highlights, but I didn't know where to start or if the list would ever end. The beach was once again my favorite part of the trip. We drank mimosas the first day and Ashlee was the drunkest i've ever seen her. That was fun until she threw up in the bathtub when we were taking a joint bath (we're known for bathing together on trips). Friday night I was forced to go downtown. I say forced because I was content just hanging out at beachclub with everyone, but I'm thanking ashlee and erin for making me go b/c i met a boy. He's great (what I know of him). Thankfully my roommates dont have to listen to me talk about how much i hope he calls b/c he has called...a lot. It's the most fun i've had with a guy in a long time.

Some other less exciting things, but still entertaining...
Nick Capito gave me a haircut

I told an ex for the first time ever that i believe we aren't supposed to be together

I had several people come up to me and tell me that they enjoy reading my blog...some people that i didn't even know knew me. I was extremely flattered. It seems also that the "letting go" blog was quite popular. Glad to help, ladies.

I skipped the game because I had gone to bed at 4:30 the night before (yes, i was up all night hanging out with the boy i met)

I went to a party w/ mae and joseph and their valdosta friends. I met a hilarious guy named Cole. emily loved talking to cole but couldn't understand him. No, he didn't have a spanish accent or a french accent--he had a south georgia accent. I did some interpreting for a while in the bar. The best was when i had to relay the message "Cole said, 'So, you can't understand what i'm saying?' " (this should have been obvious to cole since i was the one who had to ask emily).

I got to dance with Todd, the boy, all night at Rafters.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Something as simple as ....

Telling the class my name and where I'm from can turn my face red.

I can count on losing a full nights sleep the night before any oral presentation. I will always choose the last day to present, when the option is given. If it's my day to go, you can bet I will be the last person to volunteer. Actually, I wont ever volunteer, I have to be called on and if the teacher forgets then I breathe a sigh of relief. There have been many occasions where I have sat up and calculated what my final grade in a class would be if I were to skip a presentation and lose the points. In some cases, it might bump me down a letter grade and I still consider forfeiting the project.

It was funny, last year was the first year I really had a class with a best friend who knew me really well. Whitney and I had research together and it was all fun and games until one day I got the nerve to speak up in class. Whitney, being a bad student, was hard at work on her Red and Black crossword and paying no attention to the class. I started to respond to a question the teacher asked and in typical Megan fashion (I love this phrase b.t.w) my voice started cracking, my body got hot, blood rushed to my face and I was seriously regretting making such a courageous move. Whitney looks up from her crossword, and while I'm in the middle of hosting a battle between the me who is asking myself why the hell I decided to speak up and the me who is saying I did the right thing, whitney decides to say " what are you talking about?" Of course this added to the embarrassment and I just decided to put my head down on my desk. No graceful exits for me. I always exit the situation as dramatically as I came. Everytime I make an ass of myself in class I make it worse by doing something outrageous like announcing to the class "oh my gosh, i'm so embarrassed...NEVERMIND" or doing something like laying my head down.

It took whitney about 5 minutes to regain her composure. For the first minute she was confused with what just happened. After I explained that I get really embarrassed talking in class and she just made it worse, she spent the last four minutes laughing. We talked after class and she told me I was the last person she expected to be so shy. I have always been shy in class, so it was nothing new to me. But, I got to thinking about it and I guess it is kind of shocking given the other aspects of my personality: assertive, talkative, and usually confident. However, when it comes to public speaking I display none of the aforementioned qualities. The worst part about the day in research is that I had the right answer. I looked it up in my notes as soon as I left class. I was right, a longitudinal study is one that is done over the passage of time...usually at least 5 years.

Whitney and I still spend all day Monday, Wednesday and Friday together in class. I guess since I have always preferred to be friends with people who I can laugh with, I can't get upset when everytime I'm called on, she starts to laugh before I can even begin to answer. This is going to be a problem being a week from tomorrow. I have the first of 7 different presentations due. Whitney will be present for 3 of them. I'm scared and I need serious advice.

p.s. the audience in their underwear doesn't do anything for me.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

I copied Kate...This was fun

Your Celebrity Style Twin is Nicole Richie
The perfect blend of uptown and downtown.

(Okay, Kate, could they not have found a better picture for us?)
Your Ideal Marriage Proposal Is
New Years, at the crack of midnight, under a windstorm of confetti.
(I dont think i want to share my marriage proposal night with new year's eve)
You Can Hang With the Guys and the Girls
You've struck a good balance between girlie and laid back.You can keep it casual but when you dress up, you are as girly as the next girl.
How Girlie Are You?
(the only reason i didn't get "girlie" is b/c I had to put that i drink beer)
You Are a Normal Girl
You are 60% Good and 40% BadSure you've pulled some bad girl stunts in your past.But these days, you're (mostly) a good girl.
Are You a Good Girl or a Bad Girl?

Monday, October 17, 2005

I can't wait until next week!

I know my friends are tired of hearing me say "Oh my gosh, can you believe that we will be in St. Simons next week!!!!!!!!!?" But I can't quit saying it...or thinking it. I absolutely love GA/FL weekend. I try to describe it to people who have never been or who have no concept of what the largest outdoor cocktail party consists of, but unless you've experienced it firsthand you can't truly appreciate what it's like to experience georgia/florida weekend. I have experienced the weekend from several angles: going with a boyfriend, going with sorority sisters, staying with boys and girls, staying in jacksonville, staying in st. simons, staying in a house that sleeps 18, staying in a 2 double bed hotel room, the beach on fridays (my absolute favorite), driving to the game from st. simons, taking a fraternity bus to the game from st. simons (last year I was still drunk at 9:30 a.m. and actually wrecked Kelly's car on the way to the bus...everything turned out fine though--I hit a ga fan), tailgating in a deserted parking lot with hundreds of fraternity boys, tailgating alocohol-free with parents, tailgating in the back of ashlee's car, sitting in the endzone at the game, sitting in the nosebleed section with the students at the game, leaving the game early to ride around on a golfcart with some florida fans...The only things i haven't experienced are going to "the landing" in jacksonville (not to offend anyone who might enjoy this, but from what i've heard I think i would rather stay home and wash my hair than go hang out at the landing), also I haven't experienced tailgating on a yacht (this, unlike the landing, is an experience i would love to say i've enjoyed). Maybe this year.

All I know for sure is that next wednesday we will check into the beachclub. Next thursday you can find me drinking mimosas on the beach with hundreds of fellow students. Next thursday night you can probably find me at Brogen's or Rafters. Next friday you will find me on the beach again. Next friday night we'll probably be having a party at the condo. Next Saturday I will be on yet another fraternity bus on the way to the game. Next Saturday night, if I'm lucky, I'll still be partying. And next Sunday we'll be on our way home...and maybe this year we'll stop again to check out the country's smallest church and if Mot's really lucky we'll stop in Augusta for some of the best Mexican food in Georgia.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

drunken alter egos continued.

Sorry for leaving you guys out. Here ya go...

Christian: I know a lot about my little neighbor friend's sober personality. Christian is always nice, in a peppy mood and ready to party. However, I dont think I've ever seen Christian drunk. It either never works out when we try to meet up or else I'm too drunk to notice any difference in his personality. But...from the drunken messages I've received from him I can gather this much: Christian must talk even more when he's drunk. The last message I got went on for 3 minutes long and it was about having to walk home from Brumby after he went with a friend who was meeting someone and Christian ended up getting ditched. Maybe a drunk Christian doesn't have much game either. C'mon buddy if you can't find someone to hook up with in brumby then where can you? (ha know i love you!)

Sean (your first shout out, aren't you excited?): Sean, sean, sean. Where do I begin. I think if you don't know Sean you could easily mistaken him for being drunk when he's actually sober. Sean's picture is in the dictionary next to clumsy. He cant walk. Period. It doesn't matter if it's 2 in the afternoon and he's going to class or it's 2 in the morning and he's leaving the bar. He will inevitably trip...a lot. Sean also will frequently just blurt out things that have little to do with the topic at hand. This says nothing about how many drinks he's had. That's just uhhhSssseeeeeaaaan! And that's why we love him. (i recently heard he doesn't like when we draw his name out that though, so i hope writing it is okay). However, when he's wasted these traits are heightened. And when he's REAL wasted he'll get this occasional scowl on his face....his brows are furrowed and he's ready to fight. This is the best face, i hope everyone gets a chance to see it.

Ashlee: You'll know ashlee's drunk if she stays out later than 12:30. If she's not already looking for a ride home from downtown before we've even arrived downtown then she's tipsy. We give her a lot of crap about it, but she takes it like a champ. She's been doing better though. I think i've seen her drunk like 3 or 4 times in the past few months.

Sam: Luckily for us, we dont have to go by any personality changes to decide if Sam's drunk. She is one of those whose chest will get a little blotchy if she drinks or gets embarrassed. The least trickiest type of drunk. She also is the one who ends up getting written on. You know that type. We love sammyjo drunk.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

things I realized/learned this week...

I can't write "receive" without reciting in my head " i before e, except after c"

My mom was proposed to by 5 different guys. She said yes to three, accepted rings from two and married one. I think of how it must be hard to date someone seriously, have them ask you to marry them and then say no. Or how hard it must be to date someone seriously, have them ask you to marry them, say yes and then When she told me about it I learned more than just everyone wanted my mom, I learned that my mom must be one of the bravest women I know. I hope that I can be that conscious of my true feelings when it comes time for me to wed. I mean she obviously picked the best guy out there...and she had at least 4 others to choose from.

Having two midterms on the same day is a procrastinator's worst fear realized.

I live with 3 of the coolest girls in Athens.

There is a strong positive correlation between those who like crosswords and those who like math. Really, I thought about it and researched it tonight at the SLC. My study consisted of at least 4 participants and my results indicate that I'm right.

Ready for the best revelation of all?....
"Because of You" by Kelly Clarkson is not about a guy who did her wrong. Although lyrics such as "because of you, I learn to play on the safe side so I dont get hurt..." would lead one to believe she's singing about a guy who hurt her. It's okay if you fell victim to this belief. I did too. I mean all of her other songs are about a guy who broke her heart...Since You've Been Gone, Breakaway, Behind These Hazel Eyes, etc. I thought this was just another in a long string of man-hating songs. HOWEVER, I was always a little confused with what she could mean when she says " I was so young, you should have known better than to lean on me..." I'm like uhh...was she dating some 45 year old man experiencing some sort of mid-life crisis? Nope. Actually, my friend Whitney pointed out that she's talking about........her dad! Isn't that great? If you know the song and thought it was about a guy, listen to it again...the pieces will fall into place. If you haven't heard the song at all, then download it. If you're ashlee dunckel and this realization made you like the song less then get a life. If you're ben broome and this realization made you depressed because the thought of Kelly Clarkson coming from a broken home is more than you can bear then seriously get a life.

Friday, October 07, 2005

drunk alter egos...

I've been wanting to put this into writing for a while now. I am fascinated by who people become once they've had a few drinks in them. Here are some of the personalities displayed by my drunk obnoxious friends...

Jared: When sober he's always funny, a little sassy, and slightly touchy-feely. As a drunk he's 100 percent sass. When playing drinking games he often gets screwed and he always has a remark when someone tells him to drink. It's usually f you. He also turns into an uncomfortable groper. Ladies stay away from him on the dance floor, undoubtedly he will molest you, touching you in places that would make Britney Spears blush.

Ben: The only way you can tell that Ben is drunk is because he starts telling you his life story...which you already heard last night. Other than that he seems sober. I love those kind. they're tricky.

Emily: Laughs uncontrollably when drunk. I have seen her cry from laughing more times than I can count. Who says alcohol is a depressant? She also dances, stripper-like. She was blessed with 8 ft. long legs so I guess it just comes natural. Emily is also known to tell people how much they mean to her. 'I love you more than life itself' is a phrase I've heard from her several times, but never before 5 or 6 drinks.

Paul Welch: Three words: perpetual pelvic thrusting.

Whitney: Now Whitney is 2 kinds of drunk. First stage: With a good buzz, Whitney smiles non-stop. She loves everyone and everything is funny. We love Whitney in this stage. Second stage: A drunk Whitney equals a straight up hateful Whitney. Hate everywhere. She's ready to leave wherever we are, may it be a bar, party or even a car that's not driving fast enough. Her eyes are shut by now, but she still manages to see....this never fails to baffle me. She usually picks one person to be mad at and will recite " I'm so pissed at ___. I can't remember why though" repeatedly. It's usually Mot. The best was last year one night Jared and Emily were late nighting with her at her apartment. Apparently she decides to think outloud and says " If everyone would leave I could go to bed."

Bizzy: Bizzy doesn't drink without getting blackout and it's hard to catch her in her buzzed state. She makes the transition from sober to wasted faster than you can blink. Once there, she doesn't talk much. She smokes, calls people, and tries to persuade her company to go to Bourbon Street.

Mot: What she does drunk she also does sober. Mot is the trickiest of all. Unless she's blackout, there is no sure way to tell how many drinks she has consumed, if any at all.

there will be frequent updates.