Friday, May 20, 2005

Ares needs to get on it...

It wasn't long ago that i discovered my love for the Indigo Girls. Closer to fine is a song I'll never get tired of ("...the best thing you've ever done for me is to help me take my life less seriously. It's only life, afterall"). And, although I've found that Mot may be the only person who agrees with me on this one, their rendition of Dire Strait's Romeo and Juliet is amazing.

However, these girls are more than musically talented, they're genius as well. They've managed to keep their music from being downloadable (no, i dont know if this is a word.) The number of songs of theirs that download correctly are few and very very far between. It's even hard to find their lyrics on simple cites such as

One might think their talents stop at musically gifted, smart and hot, but no! They're clever, too. You can find the song in the search engine, you can download the song, you can play the song, but this is what will happen: You get excited because, alas! this is the song you've been searching for...the first few lyrics tell you that, but then, wait, what is this? Is the first verse of the song repeated time and again until the song's end? Did they really only come up a couple of lyrics for this song? No, they didn't. They just tricked you...and me. My experience with Ares was not unlike my experience at Sure they have every song listed, and yeah they're clickable (again, read the word, know what i mean, don't judge, and continue), but all you get is a page that says: the page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Those talented whores.

So, I'm left with the only option the girls wanted me to have: find the cd's. The only problem is that i dont buy cd's. don't believe in it. I got rid of the old fashion idea that paying 16.99 for a Mariah Carey 10 track disc is O.K as soon as illegally downloading music became so easy. It's true I wouldn't rob a bank, I wouldn't even take a few dollars from my mom's purse without asking, but when it comes down to paying for a cd or downloading it for free, I always choose the latter of the two.

Some people wonder how we file-sharing felons can sleep at night. Well, if it's true that a clear conscience is the best pillow, then the reason i get 10-12 hours of sleep a night is because I've rationalized this free downloading habit of mine: I pay for the blank cd...and while spending a total of 40 cents on a cd is a little selfish on my part, paying the price the average cd costs is just stupid on my part. I pick intelligence any day of the week.

However, when a problem arises such as the Indigo Girls catastrophe, plan C comes into play. I will track down every cd they've ever made (i know i have some friends with good taste in music), thank the Lord that my computer comes equipped with two cd burners, dust my shoulders off and get back to stealing music. Those girls didn't keep in mind that there might be someone out there who is just as smart, and a little more stubborn.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

not a girl, not yet a woman...

Or should I say not a 3rd year, not yet a senior. I've hit a quarter-life crisis. I dont know what i want to do with my life, and I am starting to realize i have a lot of growing up to do. For one, i slacked off all year long. I'm embarrassed to say how many hours i finished with, and even more embarrassed, or disappointed rather, that I finished the year with no A's to my name. Last year i only made one B. It's also sad that today i did the most ougoing thing i've done in my entire college career: meet a guy downtown for lunch. With the exception of making some friends extremely proud, there is nothing good about that being my most outgoing experience to date (it was fun though!).
I blame this sudden realization on a recent purchase I made. Being a fan of Felicity, it was only fitting that I buy the new senior year season on DVD. Yeah, the 50 dollars it cost sucked, but what sucks even more is how much the show reminds me of where i should be and more importanly where I'm not. Don't get me wrong, i know it's fiction. Still though, I should have some direction like my girl Felicity (having Ben Covington wouldn't be so bad either). I'm glad that I am starting to get my act together though, because the upcoming academic year can bear no resemblance to last year...whatsoever.
I'm also going to try to be more outgoing. I made this promise to myself about 5 years ago, and before I knew it i was so outgoing I was surprising friends and close relatives by doing things like making my own hair appointments, going to the dentist by myself, and even driving alone to baseball games...sometimes. I guess now it's time to shock 'em with being able to spend the night alone in my apartment (let me clarify: I mean without a roommate), making my own advising appointments, and if they're really lucky, I may even try to eat alone instead of starving until a friend can eat with me.
I guess if everything fails, I still have Paul Welch to tell waiters how I want my tuna prepared, Whitney to make my advising appointments, and a lot of friends with big beds.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

I miss "back when"....

I dont know when it happened, but somehow it did. I was trying to push through the crowd of people at Cutter's and i heard someone say, "it's only 1:30." It occured to me that only two nights earlier at 1:30 I was shocked to see the SLC so packed out...and it was exam week. But there I was in a bar at 1:30 and not a bit surprised to see so many people. uhhh sad, i thought to myself.
although there has never been a time in athens when i could walk through a bar taking more than 6 consecutive steps without stopping, there was a time when it was so new it never occured to me to mind. i miss back when....when going out was to hopefully see people i hadn't seen in a while. Now i see the same people out at least 2 nights a week. I miss the time when I thought my wardrobe was out of control because my lifestyle never required that i dress up more than once a week. Now I say i have no clothes and my friend Kelly Sinquefield says, "you have tons of just get dressed up 4 or 5 nights a week." She's right. There was a time when it was acceptable for me to go to Bourbon street, therefore taking full advantage of Power Hour. Now it costs me a good 20 dollars to get a buzz downtown. I miss the time when it was all new.
The only good thing about downtown last night, other than Ashlee getting turned down at Nowhere because her cheekbones didn't resemble her i.d.'s closely enough, was watching Benton Johnson dance to #1 stunna. But even then I thought, aww sad. I used to sing in church choir with that kid.
I'm told that this summer is "completely different." and all i can say is it better be, or i wont be gracing downtown with my presence for a while. Summer couldn't have come at a better time. I want to be able to walk through a bar, even run if i want to. I plan on wearing tank tops and jeans every time i go out, and i plan on getting drink specials because the crowd is small and i'm such a good customer (the closest i ever got to getting the hook- up at Cutter's was some money from the bartender to play photohunt...whatever).
the point is...come fall I want to walk through a bar and not care if it's crowded, see faces i haven't seen in so long, and look through my closet and think, "Where did all of these clothes come from? It will take me hours to decide what to wear tonight..."

Monday, May 09, 2005

the witty title will have to wait until next time...

I'm positively racked with guilt over my recent inattentiveness to the blog. I know all two of my friends have been checking hourly for a new posting on my part, and I feel like i've let you down. Let me explain...
I need an 80 on my Hace final to make a B (there have been three tests and i refuse to feel guilty when it was Dr. Carswell who scheduled two on a friday and one after fat tuesday). Now that i've enlightened you (both), you can better appreciate my current situation...and state of mind (for the past two hours my mind has been so focused on figuring liquidity and solvency ratios that a simple title for my post would not come to mind) . I arrived at the slc on 5 p.m. Sunday (t-19 hours until the final), left for an hour to watch desperate housewives, and for 30 minutes at 5 a.m. to get some more adderall for whitney, bizzy, and me. It is now 7:30...I have officially spent the night at the slc, watched the sun come up over sanford,been kicked out of a classroom ("ladies...I hate to do this, but this room has to be cleaned"-Fred the Janitor), and... learned 18 weeks of HACE (btw, i could have kicked ass in this class). The final is in 4 and a half hours and I think it's in the bag. So, you can see why i've been a neglectful blog user...this exam is crucial. Oh, and the fact that i still don't really understand this thing (despite an hour of charlsie's explanations).
I wish I had some quotes...but i just realized I haven't laughed much today. Not a lot that is funny happens at the slc. And I'm running out of coherent thoughts, so I'm just going to leave now. But, take comfort in knowing i will be back soon with a clear head (so, obviously this reunion will not take place later this evening), and something more interesting to say.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

do you take checks?

So, contrary to what my friends think, this time it really wasn't my fault that i lost my debit card last week. How can i possibly help it if the machine decides to eat my card. I simply can't. A machine is going to do what a machine is going to do. Because of this, my vocabulary the past week has been confined to sentences such as, " do you accept checks?," "do you need my driver's license number?," and my mother's personal favorite," i guess i'll just have to use my credit card." Some common responses have been," uh no" (with an implied "it's 2005, idiot"), " checks, yeah...go dawgs!," "i just put money in your account and you've been using your credit card for a week!?" and, my very personal favorite," I'm sorry, we don't accept checks, but we do take check cards!"
We just got back from On the Border (gasp!), and my mom wont be excited to see that on the credit card for the third time....this week. It is a little embarrassing when the waitress greets me with a ," what's up! how are exams?" But i sort of like being a regular. I mean, i can think of no better place. It can get annoying though when i actually want to order something other than fajitas and they look shocked and sometimes irritated because they have to whip out the notepad. Whatdoyado?
I have a final in the morning that i have yet to study for. CHFD5110: Research Methods? Okay, what this has to do with child and family development is beyond me, but i was the genius who picked the class out of all of the other ones listed in my "fun pack" (this is what my advisor likes to refer to the list of options required under my major). I guess after i clean my room, watch meet the barkers, change all of the facebook walls i desire, and have absolutely nothing else to do...I'll study.

Monday, May 02, 2005


After one full day of trying to figure out this confusion they call blog, i have (i think) updated my settings so losers like Jennifer Brown (whose blog is private) can make posts. Only kidding, J. Brown.
It is the last day of classes (which had little effect on me), and it is also Emily Nally's birthday, so we're going to celebrate her day of birth with burgers and beer. I am sure i will come back and write a drunk posting on here, so stay tuned.
As school is winding down and everyone is preparing to leave, TC is a little chaotic. This is the situation: My apartment included me, emily, al, and the late jessica fuller. Elinors apartment next door includes her, jean, suz, and jenna. Kelly, Kelly, Mot and Whitney occupy the apartment across the parking lot. Come August the apartments will go as follows: Emily and I will be moving across the lot into Mot and Whitney's apartment. Kelly Sinquefield is moving into my apartment with Mae, Melanie and Suzanne. Al is moving next door and taking Suzanne's spot. You can imagine how stressful the situation is. We're talking subleases, people who wont be back until september from New York, people who are having to move their furniture into one apartment, then back into another....It is complete chaos.
I will be babysitting all summer, taking a first session child and family development class, and enjoying my life. I'm sad that al, suz, elinor, jenna, and katie ramsey are all going to be in new york. but ashlee and i have already started planning our trip to visit them in july (we have to wait until the tot turns 21). Next thursday about 6 or 7 of us are going to stay in my aunts house on St. Simons before Maymester, then Bizzy and I are also going to visit jennifer brown in D.C. ( My favorite quote from today is, " Well, i mean we can just drive, i think it takes like 5 hours"-Bizzy "Umm...not hardly, girl"-me "Oh, really? Is it more like 3 hours"-Bizzy)

Sunday, May 01, 2005

like i need another internet fad to obsess over...

I dont know what a blog is...I signed up out of o-bl0g-ation ( I couldn't resist). I am, however, taking pride in knowing that I am the first of my friends to register for what I am sure will soon become the next internet craze.
I think I will find blogging (can i call it that charlsie?...I'm not down with the lingo yet) useful when: the facebook is temporarily down, i've run out of nintendos to bid on (and get outbid on) through ebay, i'm up late finishing a project that i started the night before the due date, or it's raining.
Today was a normal Sunday. The pool, driving down sanford with Paul Welch, eating icecream on North Campus, talking about which aquatic animal is scarier: sharks or alligators (p.s. alligators, hands down because,as paul welch said, " you never hear of some freak wanting to dive with alligators"), watching at least one O.C. rerun (favorite quote from today's episode: "I had to block you from my buddy list you were so incessant"-Julie Cooper), and reading chapters from Me Talk Pretty One Day when i haven't laughed in a few minutes.
We are about to go to On the Border--because it's been nearly two days since we last ate there, then Jared and I might go downtown to study at one of the coffee shops because it makes me feel smarter.

"I spent months searching for some secret code before I realized that common sense has nothing to do with it. Hysteria, psychosis, torture, depression: I was told that if something is unpleasant, it's probably feminine. This encouraged me, but the theory was blown by such masculine nouns as murder, toothache, and rollerblade...What's the trick to remembering that sandwich is masculine? what qualities does it share with anyone in possession of a penis? I'll tell myself that a sandwich is masculine because if left alone for a week or two, it will eventually grow a beard...Say what you like about southern social structure, but at least in North Carolina a hot dog is free to swing both ways."-Me Talk Pretty One Day