Wednesday, December 28, 2005

a little something to ease your mind...

For those of you that I know have been losing sleep at night wondering how my trip to the dentist went, well here you go:

I have always been quoted as saying a reason i hate the dentist is because they make you feel bad about yourself. That's all they do. Especially mine. He hangs his head low, starts shaking it then slowly looks up to tell you the bad news: you dont floss as much as you should. I think when he decided to go to dental school he missed out on his true calling: drama school. Anyway, I walked into the room, sat down, put on my bib then told the woman, "look...I'm really nervous. Like, really nervous. I dont like the dentist. It started when i was 5 and I had to get a tooth pulled, and really it's been awful ever since. It's been a long time since I've come and I am especially worried about how painful this is going to be, but I'm sure I deserve it." Well, Janet told me not to worry, she would be gentle. Then, as if she was reading my mind she said, " I always tell people that I'm not here to judge them. It's like people think if they dont come in a while that they deserve to feel pain, well they don't." Ah, my new best friend.

It took an hour and 1/2 for Janet to clean my teeth (stop judging--you know they always tell you to floss more too). She actually stopped to inform me that, "this is the point where we usually ask the patient to come back the next day because the visit has gone longer than expected, but you're lucky I like you."

I thought I hadn't been to the dentist in a couple of years. Wrong. Records show that my last trip to the dentist was 3 1/2 years ago....oh and speaking of 3...

I have 3 cavities.

Friday, December 16, 2005


So, I was riding around town and noticed I was going 65 in a 45. Better slow down I thought, dont want to get pulled over. Not because getting a ticket would suck, but because then I couldn't brag to everyone about how i've never been pulled over for speeding. Anyway, then I started thinking about what it would be like to hear sirens and then go on some wild car chase. Cue memories of old COPS episodes and fast and the furious movies, and you get it...Well, I started thinking and I got this genius idea. If I were to ever find myself in a situation where I needed to outrun the cops this is what I would do (and what I recommend everyone do): 1. let him pull me over. 2. let him begin to walk to my car. 3. DRIVE OFF WHEN HE GETS THERE. Why does noone ever do that? And I dont wanna hear about how he's gonna pull a gun on you. Please. I mean he parks his car and gets out and you're allowed, nay, supposed to, stay seated in the driver's seat of your car. C'mon, it's so easy. Now, I realize the people who are outrunning cops are probably not among the nation's brightest, but still, you'd think someone could think of this. And, maybe some of you have seen this happen before, but I never have. I've never heard anyone talk about it either. So, it will forever be the genius idea I came up with when driving around Evans day dreaming about how cool it would be to get chased by a cop.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

I have a dentist appointment tomorrow and I am less than happy about it. I hate the dentist. Even though I've had the same dentist since I was 5 and if I see him at the grocery I'll give him a bear hug, when I see him in the office I hate him. Sure, I appreciate him attempting to make a tooth-pulling sound fun when I was 5: You see this device here? We'll call it a motorcycle! Doesn't it sound like a motor cycle? And this disgusting molding paste that I'm about to put in your mouth that will undoubtedly force you into a minute of meditation dedicated only to thinking happy thoughts so as not to gag--well we'll pretend it tastes like grapes. And this big ass shot I'm about to put in your 5 year old mouth? Well it wont hurt at all, it feels like a little tickle. Yeah right, I hate him. I told my mom I wasn't going and she said she heard they have some medication you can take now that will relax you. Yeah right, I hate the dentist.

I mean, seriously, does anyone ever have a good experience at the dentist? I was sure that if there ever was someone out there who loves going to the dentist, then they are also those people who loved doing Science Fair Projects and those freaks who don't sleep past 8 a.m. because they feel lazy if they're not up doing something productive, even if they don't have class until noon. My theory was blown when my friend will said the most disturbing thing I've ever heard a friend of mine say. He said he likes going to the dentist. I almost threw up. He said he loves how clean his teeth feel afterward. Okay, sure your teeth feel clean afterward, but that's hardly retribution for: 1. sitting in an office and reading HighLights magazines and watching fish swim around in a tank for 30 minutes, 2. getting pricked, flossed and prodded at for another 30 minutes, and 3. hearing that you owe hundreds of dollars for enduring all of this. They should pay us. I hate the dentist.

p.s. be wary of will. he's not who you think he is.

Monday, December 12, 2005

welcome to square one

Well, I feel like lately I'm writing more and more about my single girl status and less and less about less important things like lipgloss, butting heads with classmates or jesse mccartney songs. I guess it's because when you reach a certain age, there are some topics that just keep popping up. So, since i'm sure noone wants to hear about trips to the gyno, I figure I'll write about something that fascinates everyone: relationships.

First, I want it to be said that I have some of the best relationships any girl could have. I have countless girlfriends who I can count on for everything from letting me sleep with them when I dont wanna sleep alone to holding my hair outside a Buckhead bar. I have friends I go to when I really need to laugh, I have friends I go to for advice, I have friends I go to when I want to confess that I've done something out of character (and I know that they've done worse, so they can tell me it's okay), I have friends I call when i want a drink, and I have friends I go to when I just want to cry and have them listen. I can't even begin to talk about the relationships I have with my family. The point is, my life isn't empty because of a lack of good relationships. i have great relationships. but, like Charlsie said, I dont have someone (other than my parents) who consider me to be their number one priority.

Ashlee and her boyfriend of 2 1/2 years broke up a couple of weeks ago. I got a phonecall informing me of the situation and within 30 minutes I was there with the wine and Brad Pitt movies. Isn't that what friends are for? I told her it was that 2 1/2 year itch. That's the point where you realize either you can't live without your significant other or you realize that you often find yourself fantasizing about what it would be like to be single. I'm glad I went through some trying times with guys because I'm able to give some really great advice to friends in this situation. She initiated the break up, but i've been in that situation before too, and it's still no walk in the park. I also warned her to never make the mistake I did and forget that she wanted to be single. It's really easy to forget that you wanted out when you see that the other person is able to move on so easily. You start thinking well maybe he is such a catch, maybe I can't do better, maybe he'll find someone and I'll end up all alone and, of course, maybe i just made a mistake wanting out. Those thoughts cost me a year of living in the past. I dont want her to make the same mistake. And I dont think she will, she's stronger than me. Whitney (having experienced the same situation) and I told her about the steps she'll probably go through...
1. instant sadness that the relationship is over. you dont have someone telling you they love you every night before bed, you dont have an assumed weekend date, and you dont have someone who's always on your side anymore.

2. excitedness. this is the emotion when you get over the sadness and realize that you can do what you want. you can go on that spring break trip without having to ask your boyfriend if it's okay that boys will be there too. you can go eat ice cream with an ex boyfriend, spend the day by yourself and not have to worry about checking in with anyone, and you can experience what it's like to kiss someone else for a change. this is the care-free stage. this is the stage you will eventually return to after stage 3 and 4.

3. I call this the "oh my gosh I can't believe I made out with someone other than (insert your ex's name here)"stage. this is scary. this is when you realize this is your life, it's not all fun and games, your ex will probably find out and there will be no chance of reconciliation. you reached the point of no return, and it's a scary place to be.

4. The ex knows and even worse, the ex is doing the same thing. This is the "I can't believe he is doing this too" stage. It is worse than steps 1, 2, or 3. It's the number one hardest step to endure, yep, number one with a bullet. You naively thought the ball was in your court, you were the only one doing this and then you realize you're an idiot. and rightfully so. Smart girls dont forget their ex is going through the same cycle. I was as dumb as they came.

5. Okay, we're done crying over whoever the ex is making out with tonight and we're ready to return to stage 2, only this time, no guilt follows. This is the last stage before entering another relationship. I'm still here and I can honestly say this is as fun as it gets, ladies. Enjoy it.

She listened patiently, then I think it hit her that she's really single. She said, "i'm back at the beginning" and of course, being the great friends we are, Whitney and I welcomed her back to Square One.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

just a little shout out for Rosie Thomas

Not that she really needs me to talk her up since one of her songs was on Grey's Anatomy (although i don' t really recommend this song-I let Myself Fall-it's not one of her best). Anyway, last year when I went to visit E, she made me a 'cheer up' C.D. My favorite song, by far, was Wedding Day by Rosie Thomas. It's a great song for any girl, espeically a newly single girl, to hear. My favorite lines:

So much for love, I guess I've been wronged but it's alright cause I'm moving on...
I'm gonna drive thru the hills, put my hand out the window and sing till i run out of words
I'm gonna stop at every truck stop, make small talk with waiters and truck-driving men
I'm gonna fall asleep in the backseat with noone around but me and my friends
It's gonna be so great
It's gonna be just like my wedding day

E's roommate Sarah (who is now engaged) told me "yeah, at least once a month you can hear this song blaring from one the four rooms in this house" It's kind of funny because once Emily and Parker broke up, i passed the song on to her and so last year, at least once a month, you could hear this song coming from either my room or hers.

Over Thanksgiving we had a fun game night at Charlsie's. It was 3:30 before me, Emily or Bizzy left. And we stopped playing games at probably 1. For the last couple of hours (aside from eating) we sat around and talked about our lives. Well, Emily , Charlsie and I did...Bizzy mainly bit her nails. Anyway, it's clear that sometimes being single can really frustrate a girl. I know there are times when I wish I had a boyfriend. Last year I didn't really want a boyfriend. I had a lot of fun and I wasn't completely over my last one, so I was fine being single. This year, i'm still having a blast, but I can't honestly say I dont want a boyfriend. I know I'm not alone after talking to a lot of people. So, if anyone else is feeling more single than usual, downlaod some Rosie Thomas. She'll make it better.

Wedding Day (the best!), Have you seen my love, October, and One more day are all great songs to download.